Tag Archives: animal

Eagles and Eaglets

“Eagles and Eaglets” 7″ x 5″, Acrilic on MDF

“Eagles and Eaglets” After watching this unusual family of eagles raise three newborns to fledglings this spring, in spite of the loss and hardships they’ve endured over the years, I decided to commit an act of art in their honor. Here they all are, three parents and three eaglets.


Kellas’ Lamb

Kellas’ Lamb” 7in. x 5in. Acrylic on MDF.

“Kellas’ Lamb” – a glimpse of the beauty of Scotland, based on a photo taken by Kellas Campbell, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (used with permission). I’ve had a social media friendship with Kellas for several years. She’s a wonderful artist and photographer.

$150 – Buy on DailyPaintworks.com

Following the Sun

“Following the Sun” 5x7in. Acrylic on MDF.

“Following The Sun” A colored pencil drawing of my 14-year-old kitty, Paris, who spends her mornings and afternoons following the splash of sunlight around the living room. She’s my sole companion at home, and thinks of me as a “cat with a can opener.” Her outside friend, a stray named Snowberry, lives on the front porch and Paris tells me whenever Snowberry is hungry. I’m not sure how she knows. I’ve not worked with colored pencil for a couple of decades– I once used them to do advertising art “roughs” and “comps,” but not for fine art. Painting and drawing is difficult for me lately, so I’m looking to gain insight into new approaches to drawing and painting by working in colored pencil. This is my first effort to learn by working in colored pencil. I used a single Prismacolor pencil (cream “PC914”) on a scrap of the black cover of an old Bienfang drawing pad. Smooth surface. Difficult to erase if I mess up, so I tried not to mess up.


Paris Royal Comfort

paris royal comfort, kitty
“Paris Royal Comfort” 7x5in. Acrylic on MDF.

For more than two decades my two kitties have kept me company, and very pleasant company at that. One kitty is gone now, and this pretty girl, Paris, remains with me. Although she’s getting older, and has sustained a back injury that makes it difficult for her to get around, she’s nevertheless happy, curious, a bit of a fighter, and very affectionate. This is her favorite spot on the loveseat for watching Stark Trek and other shows with me in the evening. Either here, or in my lap.