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Orange Wedges

orange wedges, acrylic on mfd, 6" x 6"

“Orange Wedges” Acrylic on MDF, 6″ x 6″

I spend many years in Southern California, and recall the orange groves I saw as a kid—I don’t even know where they were, but we drove past them many times. Disneyland was built upon what was a 160-acre orange grove. I drink orange juice regularly, like most Americans… but honestly? I prefer tomato juice. Don’t tell anyone.

$80 – To purchase, send email to: Mike@DaymonGallery

Well Read, Well Worn

029 well read, well worn, acrylic on mdf

029 “Well Read, Well Worn” Acrylic on MDF, 5″ x 7″

I didn’t read much as a kid, and it was not till my wife started reading to my kids every night that I became interested in reading. I began with classic children’s stories—which I’d never read—and worked my way up from there. I’ve read every night for decades. All of these books are the same play: “Cyrano de Bergerac,” by Rostand, published over the last 100 years. Different translations, one in French, and one illustrated by Nino Carbe (Disney’s “Fantasia,” Shelly’s “Frankenstein”) in 1931. Do you have a favorite author?

$150 Buy on

Danny Boy

"Danny Boy" Acrylic on MDF, 11" x 5"

“Danny Boy” Acrylic on MDF, 11″ x 5″

I began music by learning violin in the orchestra class. In my school, you couldn’t take band till 6th grade, when I switched to tenor sax. Then I got an alto sax, a St. George 12-string guitar, and in my senior year in high school, for fun, I learned a little trumpet, flute, clarinet, and balalaika. Very little, but fun. My 8th grade band director turned 85 this year. He taught me swing music, and yes, he still has a band. I still keep a couple of saxes and a clarinet around. But today, I mostly play a guitar I borrowed 15 years ago and meant to return. I can’t say which type of music I like best, but I have concert tickets for Bob Dylan in a few weeks. I’ve been attending his concerts since 1966.


Red Daisies

027 red daisies

027 “Red Daisies” Acrylic on MDF, 4″ x 4″

Apparently no one is quite sure what the phrase “you’re a daisy” actually means, or where it originated. I’ve heard there is a record of it being said on a passenger ship in the late 1800s. But the most well known use of the phrase comes from Tombstone, Arizona Territory.

From The Tombstone “Nugget” we learn that during the fight at the O.K. Corral, in 1881, Frank McLaury, badly wounded, crossed Fremont Street pulled his gun down on Doc Holliday saying, “I’ve got you now.” “Blaze away! You’re a daisy if you do,” replied Doc. This shot of McLowry’s passed through Holliday’s pocket, just grazing the skin.

$40 To purchase, send an email to:

Blue Daisies

026 blue daisies acrylic on mdf

026 “Blue Daisies” Acrylic on MDF, 7″ x 5″

Mention daisies to me and I always thought of L’il Abner’s Daisy Mae, or Donald’s Daisy Duck. That is, until I married (she was 18, I was 20 and on my way to Vietnam), and my bride insisted she wanted to carry a small bouquet of daisies. When she died 43 years later, I painted these (and a few others) in her memory.
