Medicine Weeds

017 medicine weeds

017 “Medicine Weeds” Acrylic on MDF, 7″ x 5″

Plants have been used for healing since the beginning of time. So it seemed to me that an old medicine bottle would be the perfect vase for these pretty little weeds.



016 strawberries

016 “Strawberries” Acrylic on MDF, 4″ x 4″

I love strawberries. I had not tried to paint them until this piece, because I always ate them before I could get my paints mixed. They are perfect for Chinese Strawberry Chicken, smoothies, delicious desserts, sauces, and, of course, fairy tales.

$60 – Buy on

Let Your Arrow Fly

014 let your arrow fly

014 “Let Your Arrow Fly” Acrylic on MDF, 5″ x 7″

Imagine my surprise when I learned that archery was an option for mandatory athletic credits in college. I couldn’t have been happier! I didn’t even know how to use a bow till I signed up. I still love the traditional 1-piece Bear recurve bow.


Storm Flowers

013 storm flowers

013 “Storm Flowers” Acrylic on MDF, 6″ x 6″

We’ve had a lot of thunderstorms lately, and at least one bad hail storm that took out most of my garden. Some of the plants will come back, but not if the hail and gray skies continue.

$100 – To purchase, send email to: